@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+'use strict';
+const Base = require('../base');
+ * 用户统计
+ */
+module.exports = class StatisticController extends Base {
+ get loginValidate() {
+ const that = this;
+ return {
+ user_id: that.ctx.rules.default(that.service.shop.getWebUserId())
+ .number(),
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * 统计
+ * @return {Promise<*>}
+ */
+ async statisticLogs() {
+ const that = this;
+ const transaction = await that.app.model.transaction();
+ try {
+ // const dataParse = await that.ctx.postParse();
+ const dataParse = await that.ctx.validate(that.loginValidate, await that.ctx.anyParse());
+ console.log(dataParse);
+ // 2023/7/25 更新用户行为积分
+ const updateBean = await that.app.comoBean.instance({
+ intergral: that.app.Sequelize.literal('intergral + ' + 1),
+ update_ttime: that.app.szjcomo.date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ }, { where: { user_id: dataParse.user_id }, transaction });
+ await that.app.comoBean.update(updateBean, that.app.model.Users, '用户积分更新失败,请稍候重试');
+ // 2023/7/25 记录用户行为事件
+ if (dataParse.type === 1) { // 商品浏览
+ // 2023/7/25 查询用户浏览商品记录
+ const result = await that.app.model.UsersProductBrowseLogs.findOne({
+ where: {
+ user_id: dataParse.user_id,
+ product_id: dataParse.product_id,
+ },
+ });
+ if (result) {
+ // 2023/7/26 update 商品浏览
+ const updateBrowse = await that.app.comoBean.instance({
+ browse_count: that.app.Sequelize.literal('browse_count + ' + 1),
+ product_name: dataParse.product_name,
+ browse_params: dataParse.browse_params ? dataParse.browse_params : '{}',
+ update_time: that.app.szjcomo.date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ }, { where: { user_id: dataParse.user_id, product_id: dataParse.product_id }, transaction });
+ await that.app.comoBean.update(updateBrowse, that.app.model.UsersProductBrowseLogs, '商品浏览记录更新失败,请稍候重试');
+ } else {
+ // 2023/7/26 create 商品浏览
+ const createBrowse = await that.app.comoBean.instance({
+ user_id: dataParse.user_id,
+ product_id: dataParse.product_id,
+ browse_count: 1,
+ product_name: dataParse.product_name,
+ browse_params: dataParse.browse_params ? dataParse.browse_params : '{}',
+ update_time: that.app.szjcomo.date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ create_time: that.app.szjcomo.date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ }, { transaction });
+ await that.app.comoBean.create(createBrowse, that.app.model.UsersProductBrowseLogs, '商品浏览记录添加失败,请稍候重试');
+ }
+ } else if (dataParse.type === 2) { // 动作记录
+ // 2023/7/25 查询用户行为记录
+ const result = await that.app.model.UsersEventLogs.findOne({
+ where: {
+ user_id: dataParse.user_id,
+ event_name: dataParse.event_name,
+ },
+ });
+ if (result) {
+ // 2023/7/26 update 用户行为
+ const updateBrowse = await that.app.comoBean.instance({
+ event_count: that.app.Sequelize.literal('event_count + ' + 1),
+ event_params: dataParse.event_params ? dataParse.event_params : '{}',
+ update_time: that.app.szjcomo.date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ }, { where: { user_id: dataParse.user_id, event_name: dataParse.event_name }, transaction });
+ await that.app.comoBean.update(updateBrowse, that.app.model.UsersEventLogs, '用户行为记录更新失败,请稍候重试');
+ } else {
+ // 2023/7/26 create 用户行为
+ const createBrowse = await that.app.comoBean.instance({
+ user_id: dataParse.user_id,
+ event_name: dataParse.event_name,
+ event_count: 1,
+ event_params: dataParse.event_params ? dataParse.event_params : '{}',
+ update_time: that.app.szjcomo.date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ create_time: that.app.szjcomo.date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ }, { transaction });
+ await that.app.comoBean.create(createBrowse, that.app.model.UsersEventLogs, '用户行为记录添加失败,请稍候重试');
+ }
+ }
+ // 2023/7/26 事务提交
+ transaction.commit();
+ return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult('SUCCESS', {}, false));
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.log(err);
+ if (transaction) {
+ transaction.rollback();
+ }
+ // return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult(err.message));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 用户行为统计记录
+ * @return {Promise<*>}
+ */
+ async statisticLogsList() {
+ const that = this;
+ // const transaction = await that.app.model.transaction();
+ try {
+ const dataParse = await that.ctx.validate(that.loginValidate, await that.ctx.anyParse());
+ console.log(dataParse);
+ // 2023/7/26 查询
+ // todo : 用户统计记录列表
+ return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult('SUCCESS', {}, false));
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.log(err);
+ return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult(err.message));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 活跃用户列表
+ * @return {Promise<*>}
+ */
+ async activeUsers() {
+ const that = this;
+ // const transaction = await that.app.model.transaction();
+ const seq = that.app.Sequelize;
+ try {
+ // const dataParse = await that.ctx.validate(that.loginValidate, await that.ctx.anyParse());
+ const dataParse = await that.ctx.anyParse();
+ console.log(dataParse);
+ // 2023/7/26 查询
+ const users = await that.app.model.Users.findAll({
+ attributes: [ 'user_id', 'nickname', 'intergral', 'money', 'commission', 'headimgurl' ],
+ order: [[ 'intergral', 'desc' ]],
+ where: { intergral: { [seq.Op.gte]: 1 } },
+ });
+ return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult('SUCCESS', { users }, false));
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.log(err);
+ return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult(err.message));
+ }
+ }