'use strict'; const Base = require('../base'); const { setInterval } = require('timers'); // 商品接口控制器 module.exports = class RelInviterController extends Base { /** * 接口测试函数 * http://test.enroll.sizhijie.com/oneshop/api/test * @return {Promise<*>} */ async test() { const that = this; // const stateStr = that.app.szjcomo.base64_encode('http://test.enroll.sizhijie.com/#/shop/category?category_id=11'); // const hh = that.app.szjcomo.base64_decode(stateStr); // 2023/2/21 获取当前待发的佣金总额 const commissionResult = await that.getCurrentCommission(); // 2023/2/21 替换更新openid // await that.changOpenid(); // 2023/3/5 分佣发放 // that.service.commission.orderCommissionDispatchAfterPay(395); // 2023/3/5 餐币发放 // const dispatchResult = that.service.diningCoin.orderDiningCoinDispatchAfterPay(362); return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult('SUCCESS', { commissionResult }, false)); } async changOpenid() { const that = this; const page = 4; const limit = 100; const users = await that.app.model.Users.findAll({ offset: (page - 1) * limit, limit, attributes: [ 'nickname', 'openid' ], order: [[ 'user_id', 'asc' ]], }); const openids = []; for (let i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { openids.push(users[i].openid); } let index = 0; const interval = setInterval(() => { const that = this; const data = []; data.push(openids[index]); console.log('openids:'); console.log(data); that.service.wechat.changeOpenid(data, ''); index += 1; if (index >= openids.length) { clearInterval(interval); } }, 350); } async getCurrentCommission() { const that = this; const seq = that.app.Sequelize; const selectBean = await that.app.comoBean.instance({}, { where: { type: { [seq.Op.ne]: -1 } }, // type-1提现失败类型 attributes: [[ seq.fn('sum', seq.col('commission')), 'all_commission' ]], }); return await that.service.base.select(selectBean, that.app.model.UsersCommissionLogs, '查询佣金失败,请稍候重试', false, false); } async selectInfo(order_id) { const that = this; const options = { where: { order_id }, include: [ { model: that.app.model.PaysConfig, attributes: [ 'pay_name' ], as: 'pays_config' }, { model: that.app.model.Users, as: 'users', attributes: [ 'account_name', 'nickname' ] }, { model: that.app.model.OrdersProducts, as: 'orders_products', attributes: { exclude: [ 'product_id', 'create_time', 'order_id', 'activity_name', 'activity_id', 'activity_desc' ], }, }, { model: that.app.model.Payments, as: 'payments', attributes: [ 'create_time' ], required: false }, ], attributes: { exclude: [ 'seller_remarks', 'province_id', 'city_id', 'county_id', 'shipping_id', 'shipping_fee', 'activity_id', 'activity_name', 'activity_desc' ], }, }; const selectBean = await that.app.comoBean.instance({}, options); return await that.service.base.select(selectBean, that.app.model.Orders, '查询订单详情失败,请稍候重试', false, false); } /** * 手动执行一次每日定时任务(完成订单分佣) * http://test.enroll.sizhijie.com/oneshop/api/executeTask * @return {Promise} */ async executeSchedule() { const that = this; await that.service.inviter.executeSchedule(); return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult('SUCCESS', { msg: '手动执行每日定时任务(完成订单分佣)一次' }, false)); } };