'use strict'; const shopController = require('./shop.js'); // 合作餐厅控制器 module.exports = class PartnerInfoController extends shopController { // 使用模型 get useModel() { const that = this; return that.app.model.PartnerInfo; } /** * [selectValidate 查询合作餐店] * @return {[type]} [description] */ get selectValidate() { const that = this; return { /* user_id: that.ctx.rules.default(that.service.shop.getWebUserId()) .number(),*/ county_name: that.ctx.rules.default('市辖区') .trim(), }; } /** * [select 所有餐店列表] * @return {[type]} [description] */ async selectAll() { const that = this; try { const options = { where: { online: true }, order: [[ 'top', 'desc' ], [ 'order_amount', 'desc' ]], }; const selectBean = await that.app.comoBean.instance({}, options); const result = await that.service.base.select(selectBean, that.useModel, '合作餐店查询失败,请稍候重试', true, true); return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult('SUCCESS', result, false)); } catch (err) { return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult('SUCCESS', false, false)); } } /** * [select 餐店列表] * @return {[type]} [description] */ async select() { const that = this; try { const data = await that.ctx.validate(that.selectValidate, await that.ctx.getParse()); const options = { where: { county_name: data.county_name, online: true }, order: [[ 'top', 'desc' ], [ 'order_amount', 'desc' ]], }; const selectBean = await that.app.comoBean.instance(data, options); const result = await that.service.base.select(selectBean, that.useModel, '合作餐店查询失败,请稍候重试', true, true); return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult('SUCCESS', result, false)); } catch (err) { return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult('SUCCESS', false, false)); } } /* async create() { const that = this; try { const data = await that.ctx.validate(that.createValidate, await that.ctx.postParse()); const createBean = await that.app.comoBean.instance(data); const result = await that.service.base.create(createBean, that.useModel, '添加合作餐店失败,请重试'); return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult('SUCCESS', result, false)); } catch (err) { return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult(err.message)); } } async update() { const that = this; try { const data = await that.ctx.validate(that.updateValidate, await that.ctx.anyParse()); if (data.fore) { const updateBean = await that.app.comoBean.instance({ is_use: 0, update_time: that.app.szjcomo.date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), }, { where: { user_id: data.user_id } }); await that.service.base.update(updateBean, that.useModel, '更新合作餐店失败,请重试'); } const options = { where: { user_id: data.user_id, address_id: data.address_id } }; const updateBean = await that.app.comoBean.instance(data, options); const result = await that.service.base.update(updateBean, that.useModel, '更新合作餐店失败,请稍候重试'); return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult('SUCCESS', result, false)); } catch (err) { return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult(err.message)); } } async delete() { const that = this; try { const data = await that.ctx.validate(that.deleteValidate, await that.ctx.anyParse()); const options = { where: { user_id: data.user_id, address_id: data.address_id } }; const deleteBean = await that.app.comoBean.instance(data, options); const result = await that.service.base.delete(deleteBean, that.useModel, '删除合作餐店失败,请稍候重试'); return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult('SUCCESS', result, false)); } catch (err) { return that.ctx.appJson(that.app.szjcomo.appResult(err.message)); } } */ };