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npm install --save @types/http-assert
This package contains type definitions for http-assert (https://github.com/jshttp/http-assert).
Files were exported from https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/http-assert.
// Type definitions for http-assert 1.5
// Project: https://github.com/jshttp/http-assert
// Definitions by: jKey Lu <https://github.com/jkeylu>
// Peter Squicciarini <https://github.com/stripedpajamas>
// Alex Bulanov <https://github.com/sapfear>
// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
// TypeScript Version: 2.3
* @param status the status code
* @param msg the message of the error, defaulting to node's text for that status code
* @param opts custom properties to attach to the error object
declare function assert(value: any, status?: number, msg?: string, opts?: Record<string, any>): asserts value;
declare function assert(value: any, status?: number, opts?: Record<string, any>): asserts value;
declare namespace assert {
* @param status the status code
* @param msg the message of the error, defaulting to node's text for that status code
* @param opts custom properties to attach to the error object
type Assert = <T>(a: T, b: T, status?: number, msg?: string, opts?: Record<string, any>) => void;
* @param status the status code
* @param msg the message of the error, defaulting to node's text for that status code
* @param opts custom properties to attach to the error object
type AssertOK = (a: any, status?: number, msg?: string, opts?: Record<string, any>) => asserts a;
* @param status the status code
* @param msg the message of the error, defaulting to node's text for that status code
* @param opts custom properties to attach to the error object
type AssertEqual = (a: any, b: any, status?: number, msg?: string, opts?: Record<string, any>) => void;
const equal: Assert;
const notEqual: Assert;
const ok: AssertOK;
const strictEqual: AssertEqual;
const notStrictEqual: AssertEqual;
const deepEqual: AssertEqual;
const notDeepEqual: AssertEqual;
export = assert;
These definitions were written by jKey Lu, Peter Squicciarini, and Alex Bulanov.